Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fun & Creative Yoga Teachers Needed!!

Seeking Fun & Creative Yoga Teachers for Urban Kids Yoga Summer Camp
in Washington, DC

The camp begins the last week of June and ends the first week in August for a period of 6 weeks. There are 9 classes per week. Three each day beginning at: 10:30, 11:30 and 1:30pm for 50 minutes. The days are Mon., Tues., & Thurs.

The classes are divided into age groups ranging from 5 years old up to 12 years old. The pay is between $30.00 and $45.00 per class, depending upon experience. The classes will be held in NE DC not far from Catholic University.

It is really a blessing and lots of fun teaching yoga to children. The instructors must have imagination and creativity, love and respect for children, be patient and listens well. There is so much children can teach us.

If you are not interested please pass the word out or refer any one else who would be.

Email me directly at: with subject as: Urban Kids Yoga

I hope this message finds you in a wonderful space!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Cherishing the sacredness of our womb is a scarce and scary concept as a result of the dark ages of female sexuality. Yet, putting light and love in the female sacred bowl makes it possible to brighten up the entire planet and illuminate the minds of all mankind. We are now in the 21st century and the lights of our womb must be turned ON so that we can uncover the vast universe of wisdom, magic and stories that exists within its mystery.

To heal the planet women must begin to raise their womb consciousness and heal their wombs(wounds). When women return to the womb collectively they move further into their creative power and claim their rightful place on this planet. Creating a renewed and intimate relationship with oneself begins with the art of wombing. This play-shop ushers in a new consciousness and creative spirit around our wombs(wounds) and the womb of our earth mother!

How does your sacred womb garden grow? Come learn how to live from your womb. Come discover the color, the shade, the quality, the language, the messages, the spirit, the unique landscape and p-o-w-e-r of your sacred bowl of creation. LIFE BEGINS IN THE WOMB!! Begin your LIFE!!

I have so many gifts to share with you! Come receive yours!

Date: Thursday, June 4th, 2009
Transit: Moon in Scorpio
Time: 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST
Place: Virtual Playshop via Telephone
Cost: $50.00 via Paypal or Western Union
R.S.V.P. –
Call: 202-997-6946 or 301-712-2468

Mystic Symbolism of the Divine Feminine"

***** Due to the intense and explicit nature of this playshop and given the nature of humans, you are welcome to join in using a creative alias if you which to keep your real identity concealed.

This Tele-Playshop is a part of the SEX-SENSE Tour & Productions!
Healing Wisdom & Empowerment for the 21st Century