Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Surya Devi @ The 2nd Annual Sacred Sexuality Roundup

The 2nd Annual Sacred Sexuality Roundup takes place September 23rd to the 26th in New York City.

The East Coast and the West Coast have teamed up through Anton, founder of SexySpirits.com and Reid, founder of ReidAboutSex.com to organize the 2nd Annual Sacred Sexuality Round-Up in Times Square this September 2010 featuring a Special Friday evening symposium on Women & Power, a Three Goddess Puja evening Saturday evening, and a full Paturday/Sunday weekend of presentations, lectures, and workshops to enjoy and participate in..

This year, we’ve teamed up and gone to work months in advanced on bringing you the 2nd Annual Round-Up so we can harness the amazing amount of interest and success we generated in 2009 and leverage it into a much larger event in 2010! So confident we are, in fact, that this year’s Round-Up is going to top last year’s, that we’re extending the event by adding on an extra day!! That’s 4-Days of awesome, heartfelt events and promotions and networking.

Join me on Surya Devi on Saturday, September 25th for her presentation on Sex-Sensuality & E-Sensual Living!

Visit the website for details and line-up of presentations, workshops and sensual activities!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Afrikan Orgasmic Alchamy Healing on E-SENSUAL LIVING!

Wombn healers have always managed to find ways to offer their healing gifts to others in need and want throughout time – from their own families, friends, loved one, communities and country. Sometimes they are rewarded with authentic appreciation, soul-stirring transformations and love-sent income, yet more and more healers are feeling the heaviness of the potent energies that are moving in place for the grand event of the TRANSFORMATION of HUMANITY. Yes, women are able to keep the “face” and even the appearance of “having it together”(the internet/technology can make colorful what is gray in real life) even though they are falling apart inside. Why is this so?


This week we are joined by special guest, Nubian-Khamite Priestess & Internationally sought after Healer’s Healer, Nut Tmu-Ankh Butterfly Dreaming, creator of The Temple of Wombn and Afrikan Orgasmic Alchamy Healing. We take a keen look at the sexual trends and history of Africans (all over the world), their sexual expressions from ancient times of being enslaved to the ways they have become enslaved by their own sexuality in modern times.

Join us on - E-SENSUAL LIVING! -Wednesday, August 25th at 4pm for tips and secrets to living ORGASMICALLY and unleashing YOUR own inner DIVINE DIVA!! This is a show that you will be a bit lost without! TUNE IN!!