Thursday, March 25, 2010

Get Your Copy of Sistah Vegan!

Black Females Vegans
Speak on Food, Identity,
Health, and Society

My Contribution: The Food & Sex Link
by: Angelique Shofar
Edited by: A. Breeze Harper

The book is finally out! 5 years ago Breeze Harper, whom I met online through the Sistah Vegan network, asked me to contribute to her anthology. At the time I was "The Sexual Griot", still am except that I've added the sensual element to my title making me "The Sex-Sensual Griot". My focus was and still is on healing through pleasure and the sacredness/spiritual aspect of Loving, Relating and Sexuality.

I had no idea that the details of this journey would turn out the way it did. As you know, we all grow (well at least some of us do) and years later, earlier this year to be exact, I got an email from Breeze requesting my bio as well as a note stating that the book would be published first part of March 2010. It was somewhere around the end of January or February when the publisher, Martin Rowe of Lantern books sent me an email with my contribution attached asking me to edit my portion. Can you imagine how much more juicy stuff I wanted to add after having grown and even expanded over the years since the conception of the book. Well, I was disappointed when the response was no.

This book has inspired me to write even more and to further expand on the topic "The Food & Sex Link!" So I will keep writing, experiencing and share as I go along because food does have a direct and profound impact on our sexual health and sensual wellness. What's even more amazing is that I am about to make a major lifestyle change to the RAW side and this alone will take me to a sexual sphere that is beyond this lifetime. (wink)

Let me add that I am only a small part of this book. Breeze Harper has done a phenomenal job at the attempt to begin to convey the political, economical, social, and racial ramifications around food consumption and who we were and who we have become today as people of African descent. So many beautiful vegan sistahs have shared their path, their start to more wholeness through their contribution. It is their story that I want you to read, as well, because together our stories will open up a new world to you whether or not you practice veganism or not. Know that this book will change you forever. But don't take my word for it, read it yourself.

So to all my friends, associates, followers, those who truly believe in me and my creative healing works and those who have just stumbled across my playbook and my world.... I ask that you purchase the book here through my site. It's easy! And it's worth the investment of $21.00

Oh yes, and after you've read it, do share your reviews and comments here.

Thank you for being YOU!!

In joy, love & light!
Angelique (aka Surya)