Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nov. 16th Edition of Cultural Eroticism!

Get ready for another exciting edition of Cultural Eroticism - Your #1 Erotic Radio Show Online with host "Surya". Join us for a celebration of Life and Sensuality through Love, Art, Sex & Spirit!

Monday, November 16th falls on a New Moon and all new moons offers us an opportunity to draw on the dark so that we can integrate it with the light and emerge anew. This particular moon is the Mother of all Dark Moons and will be in Scorpio, the sign of death that births the new. If we choose to, we can seek deep soul healing, sexual healing or healing from that which hurts deep deep down. This requires an open heart to change and the willingness to do whatever it takes. So what do you need to heal? Join us for a new moon ceremony on Cultural Eroticism this coming Monday.

We will also explore a new kind of astrology that takes us into the dark depths of the womb where the imprint of your unique soul and path can be found. The Vulva chart is a map of what brings the greatest fulfillment in your life and suggestions on routes to manifesting more joy for you.

Then we'll look at alternative lifestyles along with the potentials, possibilities as well as the setbacks and downsides.

I'll also share light on the introduction of my upcoming Orange Dragon Yoga Playshop coming on Sat. November 16, 2009 from 12noon -2pm in Takoma Park, Maryland.

And OH!! It doesn't end there! You can expect the Erotic Report from Jean Claude Toran our correspondent in "Sin City" Las Vegas. JC made a visit to the famous GREEN DOOR and does he have a mouth full to share about the experience. Plus Surya will chat with the owner of the Green Door - Frankie! So come with an open mind cause you gotta give respect to the power of pleasure and you have it live, upfront and personal at the largest Social Club in Las Vegas (did I leave out SEX?) It's the ultimate play ground for adults. I can't wait!!

We've got a great sex-sensual line up for you. So light up that fireplace, or some candles, diffuse your favorite aromatherapy or incense and have a glass of wine or your favorite beverage, slip into something comfortable, kick back and relax with us on Monday evening and let us serve you with soul stimulating foods and sensual artistry for your mind, body, heart and spirit!

Here's our guest line up for that evening:

Liaya Aneb Nua is yoga practitioner of 23 years with 10 of which have been as a Tantra & Kundalini yoga teacher. She works with the Tantric/Jyotish system as well as the sidereal Western and Mayan astrological traditions. Her personal journey also guided her to reclaim ancient Mother religions such as Dravidian Tantra and Nubian Khemetic alkhemikal sciences where she first heard of Tantra, Kama Sutra and sacred sexuality. "Learning how to build sacred relationships is a sacred mission to me, one that I feel I've been brought here to learn
and share."

Liaya has also worked as a rape crisis and alcoholism counselor for teens. She is a licensed
minister and currently maintain shrines for Het Heru, Bast, Sekhmet, Nit and Tripunsundari. Her personal and favorite accomplishment has been to design a unique astrology she calls Vulva Astrology where by she works with the Tantric Wisdom Goddess and Kemetic Alkhemikal Divine Feminine Principles while applying lunar astrology principles for awakening and accessing deeper understanding of womb wisdom and gifts.

She is working on the completion of her books: "Kiss of the Shakti Serpent:, Love Frequency Alkhemy
- The Oracle Book" as well as an initiation workbook for young women and a CD: Restoring Feminine Balance.

Kassandra Lombard aka Auset Aswad has a long line of credits in her bio that I can not begin to mention here. Her work trail crosses LA Face Records, SABAN Entertainment's Fox Family Channel, Wesley Snipes Film Production Company and on to the role of Executive Personal Assistant/Booking Agent/DVD Production Manager for Queen Afua the (author of Heal Thyself, and Sacred Woman.) with so much more in between. She attended the New York University Film School and has now published POLYGYNY: A Woman’s Keys to Paradise. She is also working on the completion of LOVE DIVINE : a dvd and cd combo on based on the principles known as the Tao of Sexology, Kama Sutra, Kundalini Yoga, and Tantra. We'll move outside the realm of mainstream and standardized living and into a changing world of alternative lifestyles.

Bet you thought sex and sensuality were limited to the bedroom exhange between a man and a woman and the commercial images that plague the TV and Movie screen. You are mistaken! It is a whole world, a whole universe on to itself in which humans derived from. It is sacred, it is holy, it the divine creative realm and it is our inherent right and first nature. Come let Surya expand your mind and your world and take you into the sacredness of loving, relating & sexuality. Join her on Mondays from 7p -9pm on

Come be inspired! We'll take you there and beyond @

Log on & Tune in with your Host, Surya aka Angelique Shofar!

Thank you for listening!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Orange Dragon Playshop & Master Classes

Click on flyers to read!

The Orange Dragon Yoga integrates my experiences and the lessons learned along my holistic journey. I am inspired by my ancestors to share my lessons, triumphs and my blessings through this creation and all others. I hold many spiritual and health/wellness secrets that need to be shared. Those who are ready will step forward and receive what I am being ordered to give. Now is the time!

During my 6 months journey at the beginning of this year, I traveled to many cities within the US and met many different people. Each stop and visit opened up a new door of awareness and connected me with people and places that enhanced my skills in loving, relating and sexuality. Of course, many of them had no idea, but I see each and ever encounter and experience as a lesson and a treasure to be held and respected. I thank all of them. In a blog entry I share my experience with discovering my dragon animal guide and my dragon spirit expression through Chinese astrology. Enter the spirit of the dragon with me. Read on!


There is a dark cloud around the existence of our sexuality. A darkness that continues to destroy us - mind, body, heart, community and universally. People have learned and practiced disconnecting from their bodies and their true powers for too long. Sex education has been limited, incomplete and mostly untruth for so long. As a result we humans have become accustomed to living in this darkness and ignorance bearing and suffering the great many consequences such as uterine fibroids, cervival cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancers and diseases, infertility, rape, incest, teen age pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and the manifestation of our greatest sexual fear - AIDS. (Yet there are more.)

According to the CDC statistics: "Women Bear Heavy STD Burden, Including Risk of Infertility and STDs Take Heaviest Toll on Racial Minorities, Especially Black Women". As well, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) is coming up with public health recommendations on male circumcision for HIV prevention in the United States. There are many governmental institutions and private corporations in disguise that are setting guidelines, standardizes rules and regulations around an area of our lives that is so personal, so individual and which requires that we make wise life choices.

However, we live in a society in which the basic decisions and choices of living are controlled by those outside ourselves. When my son was born at Shady Grove Hospital in 1998, (I am opting for a home birth next time around.) he underwent two separate circumcision procedures. Imagine a tiny little baby boy's penis being tampered with by someone who claimed they went to school, trained and now have the power to cut up the human parts of an innocent child. I was drugged up and unable to see clearly nor have full power over the decision at the time. And his father was in no better mind frame and position to stand up either, so my baby had an alteration to his penis not just once but twice. This experience had a slow awakening effect because for the most part it was just too painful for me to deal with over the years thereafter.

This will mark just one, and I mean only one, of the milestones in my sexual/spiritual life path and the experiences that continue to prepare me to be take my place and carry out my part, my role of the solution and a role in enlightening and empowering others through this new Sexual Revolution and Evolution!!!

Infertility is often defined as not being able to get pregnant after trying for one year. Of the approximately 62 million women of reproductive age in 2002, about 1.2 million, or 2%, had an infertility-related medical appointment within the previous year, and 8% had an infertility-related medical visit at some point in the past. Over the years as a holistic health practitioner, certified massage therapist (integrating body work, yoga, herbal medicine, and so many other natural remedies and alternatives) I have not only come to know and understand the wholeness of an individual - not just their body - but I have drawn clients to me that have mostly been sexually unbalanced and disturbed, women desiring pregnancy and those having many unpleasant experiences and traumas that they stored in their bodies - most times they forgot and so their body spoke to me asking for help in facilitating movement and healing. Body Wise: The body knows!!

Many couples struggle with infertility and seek help to become pregnant; however, it is often thought of as only a woman’s condition. But a CDC study analyzed data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, and found that a total of 7.5% of all sexually experienced men reported a visit for help with having a child at some time during their lifetime—this equates to 3.3–4.7 million men. Of men who sought help, 18.1% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem, including sperm or semen problems (13.7%) and varicocele (5.9%).2 Additionally, 2 million couples reported that they had not conceived during the previous 12 months despite trying. Infertility affects about 7.3 million women and their partners in the U.S. — about 12% of the reproductive-age population. It is not only a woman and man's problem but a collective and community one. What is wrong with this picture? Why is it that something so natural has become so artificial and even superficial for way too long?

Sex is the gateway in which the seeds of who we are were planted and we evolved onto this planet. If this is a fact, a truth then isn't it important and isn't it time that we honor, respect and nurture this sacred vessel, this divine process and this natural creative space?

My Orange Dragon Yoga provides a sacred space and offers techniques, methods and tools for balancing our sexual/creative center and the many branches (all other areas of our lives) that spring forth from this divine center. If you are ready to be elevated and to evolve to a higher state of consciousness while purifying your mind, heart, body and realigning with your soul purpose then reserve your spot and register TODAY!!!

"Time has no respect for a later riser."

Rise up and enter your power and purpose.

There is no shame in this sexual game of life!!

Enter the spirit of the dragon!!!

Email me at or call me at 301-637-6SEX


One-On-One Sessions are Available for Your Convenience.

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